Saturday, August 21, 2010

Keep looking up...

Awww, I really liked this guy.  Jack Horkheimer is gone at age 72.  The host of Star Gazer, the show usually on PBS that gave info about what astronomical events were currently happening on a weekly basis.  The past few years I watched online, and I bet they'll still run them since these events are usually pretty much the same year to year, or every few years.  He always made even boring events interesting in the enthusiastic way he described them.  I guess I'm going to go get some Saturday supplies so I can drink a toast to him.  The universe already seems a little smaller.


  1. and remember keep looking up RIP Jack

    now business. hey cappy were do i find me a counting ( visitor ) thingy like you got and i changed the font

    the zeneti

  2. Hey Bubba I'll put info on the counter on your blogarooney...

  3. That is very sad. I used to catch his show every once in a while. He was very cool.

  4. Well, Jen, 72 isn't bad. If I could live to be half that age well then... oh, wait... nevermind. :D Life is short, life is long, and when we're dead, we'll find out who was wrong. HAH!

  5. It's true, 72 is pretty good. I doubt I'll make it that long.
    So, how are you this evening, Captain?

  6. Feelin' fine, Jen, out of herb but a last minute scraping of my spice grinder yielded a nice bowl. :D I added a link to your bretheren at Wally World... I swear I think this shit should be illegal. We need to maintain at least a little dignity as a country. Another example of how too much freedom is not necessarily a good thing. Al- Queda must see this shit and it can only fuel their hatred.

  7. That is sooo weird. I was just on that website a few minutes ago. Some of those people are hilarious. And then there are those that are just nasty. Why on earth would someone leave their house looking like some of those people do? Really, what are they thinking?

  8. Clearly not thinking. That's one of the biggest problems with this society, we're 1) becoming too accepting of EVERYTHING and 2) Spending too much time watching tv, talking on the phone, whatever, and not spending nearly enough time THINKING. All the time I spent in the woods as a kid, thinking. I never minded much getting grounded cause I could read. Or just think. A mind is a terrible thing to waste and we have millions of them being wasted. We need The Asteroid to come any time now, please... Jen, start digging an asteroid shelter tomorrow for your children at least. The new society could be like Logan's Run... but Lastday is at 75. Nobody needs to live past 75. Imagine how that would affect the economy, people could retire at 6o and actually HAVE their benefits. 15 years of fun and then a puff of fire and possibly to renew! Darn freedom... ;)

  9. I just re-read that and I guess I skipped some logic there. Eventually, in 2 or 3 generations, we'll outgrow our infancy with technology on a country-wide basis. Some of us are there already but most of us are still entwined with our computer-phones and TIVO tv systems. That's as much a problem as producing more people than we have jobs for, and that'll be another several generations before people wake up and see that's a "freedom" we just can't afford. Oh, wow, all these words coming out that I couldn't say on Neo. HAH! Liberating!

  10. There we go. I'll get right on that asteroid shelter. Do I have to let my children in? I'm thinking I might let the asteroid take them. They are driving me absolutely insane this evening. ;)

  11. Not to mention that 40% of or national budget goes toward Social Security, Medicare and Medicaid... and in the next 25 years that's expected to DOUBLE. Hmmmm...

  12. Yeah, from what I hear, it's not likely that the Social Security program will exist when I retire. They are expected to run of funds way before then. Kinda sad when I think about how much of my paycheck goes into that fund.

  13. No way, Jen! They get to live! It's you and I and all our generation that needs to sacrifice for them so they have a future! Don't be 80! Don't be 80! Don't be 80! We need to start a movement!

  14. I know, I'd love to say "You know I'm not getting anything so I'd like to stop paying into it" but that would never fly...

  15. Seriously! Unfortunately we don't have a choice. I think we should have the option to opt out of the whole program. So many undeserving people get SS benefits. Did you know that people that are to obese to work are considered disabled & recieve benefits? It's ridiculous

  16. Yep, two people: both 40 years old, one 400lbs, one 175, neither has a job, the big one can apply for disability. Insane.

  17. I agree, but what can you do? It's the US government at work. We could start a revolution. :)

  18. YEAH! Make a flag with a big blue X on it. Stars... red background. Yeah! We'll all wear gray. We could get at least half the country in on it! WOOHOO!

  19. Sounds good to me. Too bad it would never work. Most people in the US are entirely to apathetic about the state of our government. They wouldn't join a revolution because they just don't care enough to expend the effort.

  20. And that brings us back to the Walmartians... not enough sense to look halfway presentable when going out, not enough sense to look out for their own civil liberties.

  21. And with the failure of our civil liberties at hand, I think I'll get some dark. Night Jen, everyone...

  22. Yep, that's about right. It's really quite sad.

  23. Alright, I need to stop with these fantasies of revolution & go put my children to bed. It's past their bedtime.
