Tuesday, August 17, 2010

A drink and a smoke...

Ahhh, a Scotch and a cigar.  A beer and a bong is going to have to do.  Since I didn't see anything in the news today to set me off, I decided to post something relaxing instead.  In the interest of combining entertainment with education, I'm going to invent an event called the Info McNugget.  Today's IMN follows today's theme, and comes courtesy of www.scotchwhiskey.net

It should be noted that there is no “right” or “wrong” way to drink Scotch whisky – it is very much down to a question of personal taste. However, let us offer a few basic suggestions and, for those interested in pursuing the pleasures of “nosing” and “tasting” further, we provide a link below to a detailed introduction to “nosing and tasting” scotch whisky.
Many who drink Scotch whisky neat say they do not want to spoil the taste by adding water. However, equally as many will say that adding a touch of water, particularly if it is pure, soft spring water, (ideally the same spring water used in the making of the particular whisky!) serves to enhance the distinctive aroma and flavour of a whisky. Tap water may contain high amounts of chlorine and therefore would not complement any whisky - your best bet is to opt for bottled Scottish mineral water!
Adding ice to a whisky can provide a refreshing drink but it should be noted that it will dull the fine taste and wonderful aromas and so should never be contemplated when conducting a “whisky nosing and tasting.” Similarly, carbonated water is not an ideal accompaniment for whisky as it will also interfere with the aromas.
The addition of mixers such as ginger ale, soda and even coca cola, is a popular trend, however it does beg the question - why drink whisky at all if you need to mask the taste?  This concludes today's Nugget.

Ok, time for the drink and smoke I mentioned.  Yeah, I know it's not the weekend but I had to put some gas in the car on the way home and that sixpack was begging and pleading to come home with me.  What can I say, I have a heart!  I couldn't leave it sitting there freaking out.  I'm also a bit pissed that there's only 3 days of work for me this week.  Gotta medicate that throbbing vein in my forehead.  Funny how work tends to come in waves.  The last few weeks we had a decent amount of work come in, and now it looks like this week AND next week is going to suck.  

So when are we gonna get some more blogs to network together?  I started the link list but there's just this one so far.  (I had to put a link or the box wouldn't show up).  Anyway, I know I said this before, but it's unbelievably easy.  They've really put together a user friendly format here.  If you wanna have some fun and wind up with a place to speak your mind, post pictures, link to a page of your family, hobbies, band, etc look into it and just ask if you have questions.  YARRR!



  1. I don't think I really have enough interesting stuff to say to warrant making my own blog. I'll be happy to hang out on yours, though. :)

    A drink & a smoke sounds good, but unfortunately I've got neither at the moment. Don't get paid till thursday. I'm completely broke till then.
    It sucks that you've only got 3 days of work this week. Makes that paycheck awfully small, I bet. On the plus side, at least it means that your weekend comes sooner. :)

  2. Nice relaxing post Bro! That's my idea of relaxation. I just got done playing a game of Tempest. I will have to try some of the others when I am not so tired. I do miss the old Atari games. These really take me back to easier times.

    And, oh...HI JEN!!!!!

  3. Hi, Brian! Nice to see you. :)

  4. Arrrrr! What do I ever say that's important? It's just fun to do and play with. Plus here you can say stuff you wouldn't ordinarily say in every day conversation. Oh well, if ya don't wanna have fun then fine! :D

    Hey Brian, times are still pretty easy if you know what to let in and know what to keep out...

    Now the big question is... will Mark have my computer fixed by the start of football season so I can post the grid with the picks?

    And the less big question is... will the lurkers like Dan, Lydia, Mark, Mike, and Derek come out of the shadows and say hi here?

  5. Why is it taking so long for him to fix your computer? What's wrong with it?

  6. A bad motherboard needs replaced... that's all. Plus possibly a class 5 free floating torso only vaporous apparition. I can fully understand why it's taking so long. Those ghosts can be a real task to deal with.

  7. I hate when ghosts invade my computer!! Hope he gets it fixed soon.
