Sunday, October 4, 2015

Official Warning From The Neopets Team Neopets Will Probably Be Shut Down

Jumpstart, the company that bought Neopets a while back, has been doing such an abysmal job at running the game site that it's very likely it won't last much longer.  Yes, Nepets may actually be shutting down, closing forever.  Neopets has been mishandled in the past, but never so badly as it's being run right now.  In fact, it seems like all they know how to do is lose players.  Where there were once hundreds of thousands of players, last time I saw their counter showing the number of players it was in the 4 digits.  They've since removed the counter, presumably to avoid embarrassment.  There hasn't been an "event" in almost a year, where there used to be something happening almost non-stop.  Since the first thing they did after buying the site was to fire almost the entire creative staff, this isn't surprising. 

One thing they're still very good at, however, is throwing around warnings and threatening to freeze accounts over the smallest, and sometimes even no infraction.  People in glass houses, Jumpstart.  You really want to piss off the handful of players you have left?  If you're new to the game and got one of these warnings and are reading this, take my advice and leave now.  You're not going to be missing much except more lame warnings for having done nothing, and there's nothing they're going to change about the game to make it worth your while.

The only thing I've seen Jumpstart do is make this site worse.  I started playing a VERY long time ago, and I do very little there now.  There are a few tricks I've learned over the years for making neopoints, and all I ever do is stop by once in a while to do them, and every 28 days put my pets back in the lodge so I don't have to waste time feeding them.  The games get old, fast, and Jumpstart doesn't seem to see the very simple fact that they need new content to bring in and hold onto new players, and to keep the older players from doing what I'm doing right now. 

"Official Warning" my ass.  FUCK YOU, Jumpstart.  Here's what your "Official Warning" got you.  I'll be happy to post something that says you're the lamest thing the game of Neopets has seen in its entire history any time you feel like fucking with me for no reason.  Have a nice fucking day.