Here's the one I told some of you about, clearly inspired by one of my favorite artists Roger Dean. The camera distorts slightly so it curved the horizon. Kind of busy now so I'll come back later. :D Click to enlarge by the way...
Ok, so I wasn't around for a while to fill up space with weird news and complaining, probably because I haven't been reading much news lately or even surfing the web for interesting gadgets etc. I did see a headline today about a law against farting in public, maybe I'll read that later and get something going.
Lately I've been spending a lot more time drawing and painting, out of necessity these days. The economy is still keeping work slow and bills need to be paid regardless. I'm doing stuff that takes less time and can be sold for less. The art world is a tough thing to get a handle on. Some dumbass throws a few handfuls of paint at a canvas and a museum is more than happy to display it, and it sells for a hundred grand. Let someone with some talent and technical skill actually put some thought into a piece and somehow it seems impossible to get a couple hundred. Until one gets one's name known, of course, then you can wipe your ass on a canvas and the world pulls out its wallet. I have an interesting opportunity now, since our gallery handles the yearly poster for the SunFest festival in West Palm Beach each May. The SunFest committee typically decides on an average tropical scene that's made into a poster and sold framed and unframed, signed & numbered and plain. This year I'm trying to get a piece done for their consideration, but it might be tight time-wise. If I don't get it done in time hopefully I'll get it in for next year. I have a great idea and it's probably going to be a perfect scene if it comes out like I'm planning. Since I'm painting it specifically for SunFest, it'll have all the elements that lend themselves to a successful image instead of just a few that a previously made one would. I'm treating it as an assignment in an art class. I'll post it when it's done.
I'll be back around in a few days with a nice post about some cool gizmo and a quirk of society that's recently pissed me off, I promise. And don't expect anything about the Super Bowl. I think Christina Aguillera has probably been blogged to death over what she did, and the reading of the Declaration of Independence before a sports event hopefully doesn't need any input from me beyond labeling the Americana-bloated pregame show as no more significant than the role of a porn fluffer. A porn fluffer that bears a sickening resemblance to your high school civics teacher.