Saturday, September 11, 2010
Thursday, September 9, 2010
Happy New Year!
We, The People's Front of Judea, would like to wish everyone except The Judean People's Front (bloody splitters) a very happy Rosh Hashana. Try not to bust a lung tooting on your shofars.
Hmmm... forbidden to work today huh? That doesn't seem like much of a problem. I think I'll set up some movies on the little coffee table DVD player and crank up some video games on the big tv. And beer. Yeah... I wonder if all this is kosher or if I'll have the evil eye coming after me. I think later I'll finally start "Under The Dome" by Stephen King... I had to finish The Dark Half before I could start the new one. I guess I've been reading King a lot lately, I read Duma Key right before The Dark Half, and I thought it was really good. The Dark Half was on the good side of OK. Not bad but the first third took a lot to get through. I would recommend Duma Key though, pretty long but easy to get into and it reads fast. It was exciting and relaxing at the same time which was a nice combination. I'm hoping that Under The Dome is as good. It's over 1,000 pages so it better not be too chewy.
Ok, off to do some more "not working". I'm giving the "news" a day of rest in the spirit of casting off sins, I'm sure it's appreciated by all. I hope everyone has a nice holiday!
Hmmm... forbidden to work today huh? That doesn't seem like much of a problem. I think I'll set up some movies on the little coffee table DVD player and crank up some video games on the big tv. And beer. Yeah... I wonder if all this is kosher or if I'll have the evil eye coming after me. I think later I'll finally start "Under The Dome" by Stephen King... I had to finish The Dark Half before I could start the new one. I guess I've been reading King a lot lately, I read Duma Key right before The Dark Half, and I thought it was really good. The Dark Half was on the good side of OK. Not bad but the first third took a lot to get through. I would recommend Duma Key though, pretty long but easy to get into and it reads fast. It was exciting and relaxing at the same time which was a nice combination. I'm hoping that Under The Dome is as good. It's over 1,000 pages so it better not be too chewy.
Ok, off to do some more "not working". I'm giving the "news" a day of rest in the spirit of casting off sins, I'm sure it's appreciated by all. I hope everyone has a nice holiday!
Tuesday, September 7, 2010
Douchebag retard of the day...
Well, well, well... finally something to jump up and down about. And you can tell by the title what side of the fence I'm on here, so you can decide if you want to read any further. In fact I'll warn what few readers I have that I'll be giving religion in general and its more enthusiastic zealots a nice firm spanking, so be ready.
First I'll deal with this shithead who's planning on burning the Quran . Read the article here To commemorate the ninth anniversary of the Sept 11 attacks, he's got his church (of a staggering 50 members) all whipped into a frenzy and devoted to making a statement of hate in the name of... take a guess... yep, same old song and dance, that's right... good old "Our God is bigger than your God". And here I was foolishly thinking that religion had almost matured to some extent, at least here in the west. Still a few fires to put out like Israel and Palestine, some genocide problems in Africa, but here in the States at least I thought we had gotten to the point where religious fanaticism had become comical instead of dangerous. Consider The Latter Day Saints and Scientologists... no real harm there, in fact it's completely hilarious when you see what those people believe. Fine though, they're not hurting anyone. But this clown and his fifty people are going to cause a global outrage and end up costing lives. If even one life is lost over this it's too many. I might be able to make an exception to my opinion if it's Dick Douche there in the top picture. And their lawyer says it's their first ammendment right to hold a bonfire without a permit? Please! Freedom of speech is NOT a unilateral right to ANY speech. Hate speech is absolutely not a right guaranteed by the first ammendment, and this book burning can absolutely be prohibited under both the "harm principle" AND the "offense principle". Not to mention the "Might burn down the neighborhood principle". Clearly this guy's head needs to be screwed on a bit tighter, if it were then he might be able to remember a couple important things about book burning from the very recent past. The first one was the Ray Bradbury novel "Fahrenheit 451"... something I doubt he has the intelligence to read but still he must have heard of it, and there's really no way to misinterpret the moral of the story or to somehow put a religiously positive spin on it. Bottom line, oppression of others' beliefs and suppression of ideas and thoughts, as different as they may be, is just plain wrong. The second is, of course, the example set by Der Fuhrer, and doesn't really need any more context to pretty much set it in stone that burning books is the act of a depraved mind.
Ok, now the rest of you dumbasses! There is NO GOD! Stop groveling and get on about your lives without coming to me for help with everything! I'm not your imaginary friend and neither is my son. Think about it, religion is basically just a cushion for our fear of death. We humans are special, as compared to the rest of the animals on the planet (at least as far as we know). We're sentient. Among other things, it means that we are aware of our own mortality. We're gonna die some day and we know it. This concept is pretty scary, I admit, especially if you think that death means that everything you are is just plain OVER. Every different civilization has had its own different take on what "God" was, what the afterlife was like, but the one common thing to all of them is that life goes on after death. Usually in a beautiful paradise, go figure. I could go completely off on this subject but I'll try to finish up as this is running kinda long. The simple truth is that man in his various forms has, throughout history, invented God in so many various forms that it should be completely obvious that He's a creation of man's not the other way around. Created out of necessity, no doubt, sanity is a fragile thing and death is enough to unsettle even strong minds. Consider that religion is still being invented to this day, and to the tune of millions of followers. The Mormons have only existed for a little under 200 years, and the Scientologists have existed for about 50. Do a search on those, read about them and you'll laugh your ass off. Laugh all you want, and loudly at that, but allow them to believe what they want as long as it "doesn't hurt anyone". But isn't that the trouble? People do get hurt. In the name of religion, people have been dying for thousands of years. That's why it needs to stop. The planet needs to grow up a little, cast off the hand of Jesus, tell him you're an adult and don't need him as your imaginary friend. Deal with your life on your own terms, not what some dusty old book says you should do. Lots less people will die because of religion if we can just get used to death being the end. And isn't it in the end where we all get spanked anyway? Res ipsa loquitur...
First I'll deal with this shithead who's planning on burning the Quran . Read the article here To commemorate the ninth anniversary of the Sept 11 attacks, he's got his church (of a staggering 50 members) all whipped into a frenzy and devoted to making a statement of hate in the name of... take a guess... yep, same old song and dance, that's right... good old "Our God is bigger than your God". And here I was foolishly thinking that religion had almost matured to some extent, at least here in the west. Still a few fires to put out like Israel and Palestine, some genocide problems in Africa, but here in the States at least I thought we had gotten to the point where religious fanaticism had become comical instead of dangerous. Consider The Latter Day Saints and Scientologists... no real harm there, in fact it's completely hilarious when you see what those people believe. Fine though, they're not hurting anyone. But this clown and his fifty people are going to cause a global outrage and end up costing lives. If even one life is lost over this it's too many. I might be able to make an exception to my opinion if it's Dick Douche there in the top picture. And their lawyer says it's their first ammendment right to hold a bonfire without a permit? Please! Freedom of speech is NOT a unilateral right to ANY speech. Hate speech is absolutely not a right guaranteed by the first ammendment, and this book burning can absolutely be prohibited under both the "harm principle" AND the "offense principle". Not to mention the "Might burn down the neighborhood principle". Clearly this guy's head needs to be screwed on a bit tighter, if it were then he might be able to remember a couple important things about book burning from the very recent past. The first one was the Ray Bradbury novel "Fahrenheit 451"... something I doubt he has the intelligence to read but still he must have heard of it, and there's really no way to misinterpret the moral of the story or to somehow put a religiously positive spin on it. Bottom line, oppression of others' beliefs and suppression of ideas and thoughts, as different as they may be, is just plain wrong. The second is, of course, the example set by Der Fuhrer, and doesn't really need any more context to pretty much set it in stone that burning books is the act of a depraved mind.
Ok, now the rest of you dumbasses! There is NO GOD! Stop groveling and get on about your lives without coming to me for help with everything! I'm not your imaginary friend and neither is my son. Think about it, religion is basically just a cushion for our fear of death. We humans are special, as compared to the rest of the animals on the planet (at least as far as we know). We're sentient. Among other things, it means that we are aware of our own mortality. We're gonna die some day and we know it. This concept is pretty scary, I admit, especially if you think that death means that everything you are is just plain OVER. Every different civilization has had its own different take on what "God" was, what the afterlife was like, but the one common thing to all of them is that life goes on after death. Usually in a beautiful paradise, go figure. I could go completely off on this subject but I'll try to finish up as this is running kinda long. The simple truth is that man in his various forms has, throughout history, invented God in so many various forms that it should be completely obvious that He's a creation of man's not the other way around. Created out of necessity, no doubt, sanity is a fragile thing and death is enough to unsettle even strong minds. Consider that religion is still being invented to this day, and to the tune of millions of followers. The Mormons have only existed for a little under 200 years, and the Scientologists have existed for about 50. Do a search on those, read about them and you'll laugh your ass off. Laugh all you want, and loudly at that, but allow them to believe what they want as long as it "doesn't hurt anyone". But isn't that the trouble? People do get hurt. In the name of religion, people have been dying for thousands of years. That's why it needs to stop. The planet needs to grow up a little, cast off the hand of Jesus, tell him you're an adult and don't need him as your imaginary friend. Deal with your life on your own terms, not what some dusty old book says you should do. Lots less people will die because of religion if we can just get used to death being the end. And isn't it in the end where we all get spanked anyway? Res ipsa loquitur...
Monday, September 6, 2010
Nice holiday... and it's almost the weekend again!
What's happening out there in the world? Leaving me nothing to work with here! So I'm stuck putting up a couple shots of a dog that gave birth to something kind of human looking. Whatever, maybe it was the long weekend that has the news in a rut. There is one case of a mideastern woman sentenced to being stoned to death for adultery, but I'm still trying to find an update on that guy who was going to be surgically paralyzed as a punnishment.
How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully long and relaxing... I got a lot of painting done, it rained a lot and the storms were enjoyable to listen to. Hey Mike, who's this "Vlad" you speak of? Only me here, Chuck... get your various computer realities straight! Jen, sorry to hear about the migraines. I know how much they suck. Drink some Gatorade. I think sometimes mine are from electrolyte imbalance.
I keep looking at this blog and thinking how I'd love to change and add things. I'm still on hold on that project till I get my own computer back with my files and especially Photoshop so I can make custom images, text, and set up pages with my art and other photos. I'm sure then I'll have better things to post than just a weird looking puppy. It's a shame to let these long weekends go without being able to do that, and I have another one coming up. Only two days of work this week, with all the holidays. My weekend actually starts Wednesday night, woohoo! So when I say that it's almost the weekend, this time I really mean it!
And in conclusion today, what do you think are the odds that this kid is still alive? I saw this photo a year ago. No way the snake doesn't eventually eat the kid. Natural selection, gotta love it. Theoretically the parents should be the first to go, much bigger idiots. The kid really has no potential to be anything else though, so his death is also probably a good thing. Well, maybe not good, but necessary.
How was everyone's weekend? Hopefully long and relaxing... I got a lot of painting done, it rained a lot and the storms were enjoyable to listen to. Hey Mike, who's this "Vlad" you speak of? Only me here, Chuck... get your various computer realities straight! Jen, sorry to hear about the migraines. I know how much they suck. Drink some Gatorade. I think sometimes mine are from electrolyte imbalance.
I keep looking at this blog and thinking how I'd love to change and add things. I'm still on hold on that project till I get my own computer back with my files and especially Photoshop so I can make custom images, text, and set up pages with my art and other photos. I'm sure then I'll have better things to post than just a weird looking puppy. It's a shame to let these long weekends go without being able to do that, and I have another one coming up. Only two days of work this week, with all the holidays. My weekend actually starts Wednesday night, woohoo! So when I say that it's almost the weekend, this time I really mean it!
And in conclusion today, what do you think are the odds that this kid is still alive? I saw this photo a year ago. No way the snake doesn't eventually eat the kid. Natural selection, gotta love it. Theoretically the parents should be the first to go, much bigger idiots. The kid really has no potential to be anything else though, so his death is also probably a good thing. Well, maybe not good, but necessary.
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