Has this happened to you? They won't stop either, even after I researched how to stop it from happening. Dragon City is completely annoying to my friends on Facebook. I went into Facebook settings, found the app, and edited it to "seen only by me". I still have friends telling me they're receiving invites, sent items from me, pretty much everything I was trying to avoid by telling those douche suckers at Facebook that I don't want my friends bothered. They've even been using slick tricks to get me to click a popup I'm not even sure what it is. It only happens when I'm collecting stored up gold, rapidly clicking the gold bars in quick succession. By the time I see it, I've already clicked it. It's cheap punk-ass crap like that which should make you think twice about installing it in the first place, and should make the decision to bag them much easier. It did for me.
That's not the only thing. The Deus daily bonus game is fixed, basically they're cheating when they use the word "shuffle". Typically shuffle means to randomize a group of things. Stacking the deck has always been considered cheating, and in the old west it could get you killed. If you haven't seen it, it's three rows of three cards. Nine total. You click "shuffle" and it shows an animation of the cards switching around. Then you pick one. There are nine prizes total, seven prizes of food or gold, of various fairly insignificant amounts. There are two prizes that I consider the ones worth getting, but one is pretty big. Fifty gems. The second big prize is a pretty cool meteor dragon. I played this for a couple days before I realized that instead of randomly clicking a card, I should let the big prizes come to me. Assuming it's TRULY RANDOM, I started just clicking the center card every time. A month later, after having not received either of the top two prizes, I did a few test runs myself with bottle caps. On one I drew a gem, another I drew a dragon. I added seven blanks, and proceeded to do two runs of thirty tries, a run of thirty representing a month. One, I got the gems three times and the dragon twice, the other was dragon three and gems twice. In five months I've gotten the gems once and the dragon twice. I wrote to them and asked whatup, BITCHES? No response of course. Tell you what, I'm mad as hell and...
The last straw came on the game I'm playing on my android tablet. Every once in a while there are these special battle events where you can get a special cool habitat and three specialty dragons. It's timed, and believe me, time is of the essence. In the parts where battle occurs, they pit you against an A.I. (artificial intelligence) opponent, and there are a string of dragons you have to defeat to advance. To keep things fair, so that people with uber strong dragons aren't at an advantage over very low level players, whatever dragon you pick for a fight, your opponent will have the same strength. It's more about using the right attacks. However, without getting too complicated, there are times when you just have to fight an even battle. It's really all about who goes first who wins at these points. Well, I'm sure most of us would agree that the user and the opponent trade going first. Guess what? These MENTAL DEFECTIVES who designed the game allow for the opponent to go first several times in a row at random intervals. True, sometimes we do trade turns each time, but it seems with harder dragons they've deemed it necessary to turn fairness and equality into blood boiling rage when I have to wait two hours between fights just to see my opponent win once again because he went first for the fourth time in a row. When time is of the essence, this will make your brain heat up and start bubbling to the point where you can actually hear your synapses snapping. I've sent my second (and last) email to the game developers to address this and to those knuckle dragging, brainless chimps I say "IF THAT'S YOUR BEST, YOUR BEST WON'T DO!!!"
This is what the game developers see in the mirror every morning. All I can say in conclusion is that this is an exercise in management and patience, kind of a simple version of Sim City. For me, it's not about cute dragons but building something from nothing. What this shouldn't have to be is an exercise in tolerance of unfairness. Taking turns is basic to gaming, has been since we were kids. Shuffling cards means completely randomizing them. And sweet creeping Jesus, when the player edits the game to be private, for the love of all that's holy people, LET THE FUCKING PLAYER BE PRIVATE AND LEAVE THEIR FRIENDS ALONE! Dragon city sucks!!!