Tuesday, July 5, 2011
Unreasonable Doubt
Ok, I wasn't looking for a first degree murder conviction, that would have been nearly impossible to prove. Second degree would have been nice though, and if not reporting your child missing or dead for a month isn't child neglect then what is? And while we're on the subject, I wonder what the fine is for allowing all those people to search high and low for a month for a body she dumped in the woods? Anyway, if this bitch is ever allowed to have children or even babysit children ever again, it's a sad statement about the toilet we're creating out of a once proud and dignified society. I fully understand that the media attention a case like this attracts is a modern version of the old fashioned mob mentality, and our "justice system" is in place to prevent innocent people from being chased down with torches and pitchforks until cornered then stoned into something resembling strawberry jam. However, our "justice system" seems to deserve nothing less than the vengeance and wrath that it's been denying cold-blooded lying killers like this one. Maybe we just don't have the right charges for this kind of crime. To take your child and dump it in the woods, either simulating a murder or covering one up, requires a very long prison sentence whether the cause of death was provable or not. Sometimes though, society takes care of little mistakes like these. I can only hope that there's a serial killer or two out there with some flexibility in his or her schedule and then no child in this woman's future will need to take the risk of her special maternal attention. Frankenstein's monster would tell you that the mob that chased him down was misguided in their feelings. I have absolutely no idea what the fuck this jury was thinking or feeling. In a case like this one, I think even an undead monster with an abnormal brain would say that sometimes the mob is right.
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