Tuesday, May 26, 2015

Masterchef Season 6 Sucks

At least for me it does.  I'm not a chef but I do alright in the kitchen, and I've been a fan of this show since the start.  But that came to an end less than fifteen minutes into the second episode.  First, I think the loss of Joe Bastianich was potentially terminal for the series.  If not, it sure has a deep wound that needs to heal.  He was the edge, the fear factor.  Damnit, he was scarier than Gordon.  He was also incredibly fair, balanced, and well educated in his judgments.  The loss of his experience and character is disastrous.  I don't know right now what caused him to leave, but it's cost the show my viewership and since I'm a pretty average guy, the demographics say that I'm not alone. 

They chose to replace Joe with a woman named Christina Tosi, and I admit my experience with her work only spans season 6 episode one, and about ten minutes into episode two before I shut off the show... I think it was as much as I could have handled.  I don't usually do this, give up so easily on a show I like.  But I knew that I had seen enough.  I admit I'm no chef, I'm not there tasting what they're making, but in such a short span of time I saw her reward people who seemed like they definitely should have lost, based on the appearance of the dishes and the other judges' reactions as they tasted them.  I'll just give a brief synopsis of the straw that broke my back so quickly.  It was a two person competition involving some kind of apple pastry.  All the judges tasted contestant A, and there was no ooohing or aaahing, Gordon himself said it was average or some similar word.  Christina's praise came for the crispiness of the apple tart's crust.  Then on to contestant B, who made something unusual, unique, and fun.  Every one of the judges remarked how tasty and interesting the three pastry balls on a bed of some minced fruit and a strawberry dip were.  The ONLY negative thing said was that Graham called them a bit sweet for his taste.  Now for the vote.  Gordon, clearly impressed with contestant B, voted her.  Graham probably favored contestant B, but if he had voted B, there would have been no drama.  Graham voted A.  Now for the new girl, who should have known if she'd ever watched the show before, her job was to vote B simply based on the judges' reactions.  Whether she went temporarily insane, has a thing for Indian girls, or is just plain stupid, I don't know.  What I do know is that this pisspoor decision to vote "A" probably lost more viewers than just me, and she's only going to make more of them as the show goes on.

In my humble opinion, Christina Tosi is all wrong for Masterchef.  I'm sure her addition isn't going to cripple the show, but it's going to hurt it.  A lot.  All I can say is that I hope there's another change next year and if so, I'll give it another chance. 

Miss ya, buddy...

Masterchef season 6 sucks
Masterchef season 6 review
Masterchef season 6 change
Masterchef where's Joe?
Masterchef season six sucks
Masterchef season six review
Masterchef season six change