And so much for hoping that one day the rising tide of malignant humanity might finally show even the slightest signs of receding. Every year that's gone by for the past ten or so years I've watched and cringed, and I've put more and more distance between myself and anyone or anything that I didn't absolutely have to interact with. Friends aside, the image I have of this country in general is worse than any festering zombie movie you can name. The torrential shitrain that's flooding the streets and stores and entertainment is costing this country any sense of dignity and respect it may have once had. I swear if I ever were to travel anywhere else on the planet I will deny to the death that I'm an American, and although I've never lamented not being rich, the ONE thing I would do if I did have the money would be to move the fuck OUT.
There was a time, long ago, when Americans actually had simple common decency toward each other. Now, you need to understand, there's no one thing that has me on this particular rant. I wasn't cut off on my mile and a half commute home tonight, and no 150 year old mummified carcass suddenly stopped dead in the road with its mouth hanging open trying to remember what it's doing behind the wheel of a 2 ton vehicle. I stopped at no store to witness the obscenely obese in skin tight clothing waddling along with a shopping cart full of pizza and ice cream, babbling at its six children in Spanish, and for the moment the trojans that have been plaguing me are quiet. It's also not the firefox bullshit that loads all these "fun" things I simply MUST have, automatically, every once in a while, like it did today, installing crap I don't want and didn't ask for, resetting my home page of its own volition, wasting almost a half hour of my time. (yeah this old comp I've been using is so slow it takes that long to remove it all). It's not the goddamn helicopter that's been circling my neighborhood for almost an hour sending a shock of static through my T.V. every 27 seconds. It's not the fact that here, right in the middle of the most populated area of south Florida, I can't get a radio station that I can tolerate to come in at work without static. It's not the dumbass who walks his dog/dinosaur behind the gallery and leaves a gigantic pile of shit right directly outside our back door, It's not the fact that the $8.88 shoe store at the end of our plaza attracts creatures who are more animal than human, who can more accurately be called an infestation than a customer base, who stuff their cars with as many individuals as they can, buy their cheap ass shoes, then leave the bags, boxes, wrappings, and receipts in the parking lot when they leave to slither back to the slums they've created through just such behavior. It's not the fact that nine out of ten ads I hear on either the radio or the T.V. involve some sort of deception, because it fucking WORKS! Stupid people don't think, and people who don't think don't hear the deception. It only makes things worse that about half the advertisements I see or hear have something to do with vanity (a complete waste these days, considering) or sexual dysfunction. So, it's none of those things, or any of the dozens more that don't happen to be up front in my head right now and I'll be damned if I'll try to bring them there, but it's SOMETHING.
So 2011 isn't starting out so well, at least not here in sunny south Florida. Simple human consideration is long dead and clearly the population increase of 27 million in the past decade isn't an uplifting figure. In 10-20 years, we're going to be interacting directly with these people, and considering the stench out there right now, we're all in for some unpleasant surprises in the coming years. Here in the U.S.A. the term "Happy New Year" is a fucking JOKE. Selah.