Well, here we are nine years later and in the news today I read that they've planted 16 trees. Well done! In another nine years maybe we'll have 32 trees. Ok, I'm sure there's been quite a lot of work done that we can't easily see, there's a huge underground maze of train platforms, parking garages and other elements that have to be built before the finishing touches are worked on, but I don't really consider the tower itself to be a "finishing touch". This tower should be nearing completion by now, as I'm sure many people around the country are going to want to see the finished plaza, tower included, for the tenth anniversary of the event. The article I read is here... Read about the trees planted
I guess it's a big project but maybe if there weren't soooo many years wasted in the design stages (not to mention money) I have a feeling that we'd have had the finished product by now. As it stands now it seems likely that at the tenth anniversary we're not going to have a beautiful building and plaza to memorialize the event. That's a shame considering that to put up a building like this really only takes a couple of years. Consider also that once completed, the tourism will generate incredible income for the city, and probably pay for the project in a fraction of the time they've wasted with the bureaucratic nonsense that's hindering construction. Whatever, at least it looks like it's too late to turn back, they're committed to this particular project and hopefully won't get bogged down yet again. It'll be a nice place to go see once it is done, and I imagine it'll be worth a trip there to see it when it is. I better start saving now. I can visit some old friends from school as well, my college was just west of Manhattan by only a few miles. I had a nice view of the Empire State Building and the Trade Centers from one of my apartments. It'll be nice to have something there on the skyline at the southern tip of the island again, it's looked kind of bald for entirely too long.

Saturday, August 28, 2010
Friday, August 27, 2010
Let's remember why we do it all in the first place...
That's right, to save Zelda. Nothing much interesting in the news today, except that the cat in the trash lady "apologized". Yeah. I didn't even read the article cause it just doesn't matter. Right after they found her, she said it was a joke. Funny, that didn't sound much like an apology then, so why should anyone listen now, 3 days later?
Ok, I'm gonna go see what can be done about this here Friday night. What's everyone else up to this weekend? Anything cool in the works out there? Since today's post is so short, here's a completely gratuitous picture of a chicken's ass. Enjoy.
Ok, I'm gonna go see what can be done about this here Friday night. What's everyone else up to this weekend? Anything cool in the works out there? Since today's post is so short, here's a completely gratuitous picture of a chicken's ass. Enjoy.
Thursday, August 26, 2010
No cracks about being bipolar...
I just thought I'd give the "news" a break today since it's the weekend. I probably used up a good week's worth of absolutely pure unfiltered profanity on my Neopets rant the other day so I figured I'd take the opportunity to think back on happier times, when life seemed simpler and filled with more pleasure and less rage. It's really really hard to do but it is possible.
I remember when... Once upon a time... life actually seemed like it was going somewhere good. Once upon a time...
Once Upon a time
Click the link! :D
I remember when... Once upon a time... life actually seemed like it was going somewhere good. Once upon a time...
Once Upon a time
Click the link! :D
Wednesday, August 25, 2010
You gotta be kidding...
Ok, I bet just about everyone has heard about this shithead over in England by now. And to think I was gonna have a nice peaceful post today considering yesterday's! Check out the link to the video of the woman who was caught on camera putting a cat in a garbage bin.
Yahoo News cat in trash
I'm gonna have to just go with "We're all feeling just about the same on this" and save my breath or this post will be WORSE than yesterday's. Believe me, that woman is going to have to move very far away if she expects to survive this.
Hey Kylie- it's nice to be able to speak freely, isn't it? After all those years worried about "getting a warning" etc. Sorry to hear your internet had to become a casualty. Everything else going ok I hope? About your picture not showing up, I remember I had to fix mine too a couple weeks ago when I made the blog, but I just looked at my profile and I couldn't find where that option was. Jen just fixed hers the other day, maybe it's still fresh with her. Hey Jen, remember how to make your avatar pic come through?
And on the lighter side of the news, pun intended, the trapped miners in Chile have been told to "stay thin" so they can easily fit through the escape tunnel that's being drilled. Amazing... yeah, lay off the cheeseburgers and fries, no pizza till they're out, and cut back on the beer. Don't be gettin all fat down there, half a mile underground. LMFAO. And not so funny is that they're not even being told that it's likely to take 4 months to get them out. Ok, on day 1 of month 3, what do you think the conversation will be like? Uh, guys, up there, just wondering if you still remember we're down here... or will it be @%$*&^%$# BLEEPITY BLEEP BLEEPIN BLEEPERS!!! Something tells me it's a mistake not to tell them how long it's going to be.
And in conclusion, for the famous cat lady...
Yahoo News cat in trash
I'm gonna have to just go with "We're all feeling just about the same on this" and save my breath or this post will be WORSE than yesterday's. Believe me, that woman is going to have to move very far away if she expects to survive this.
Hey Kylie- it's nice to be able to speak freely, isn't it? After all those years worried about "getting a warning" etc. Sorry to hear your internet had to become a casualty. Everything else going ok I hope? About your picture not showing up, I remember I had to fix mine too a couple weeks ago when I made the blog, but I just looked at my profile and I couldn't find where that option was. Jen just fixed hers the other day, maybe it's still fresh with her. Hey Jen, remember how to make your avatar pic come through?
And on the lighter side of the news, pun intended, the trapped miners in Chile have been told to "stay thin" so they can easily fit through the escape tunnel that's being drilled. Amazing... yeah, lay off the cheeseburgers and fries, no pizza till they're out, and cut back on the beer. Don't be gettin all fat down there, half a mile underground. LMFAO. And not so funny is that they're not even being told that it's likely to take 4 months to get them out. Ok, on day 1 of month 3, what do you think the conversation will be like? Uh, guys, up there, just wondering if you still remember we're down here... or will it be @%$*&^%$# BLEEPITY BLEEP BLEEPIN BLEEPERS!!! Something tells me it's a mistake not to tell them how long it's going to be.
And in conclusion, for the famous cat lady...
Tuesday, August 24, 2010
Nazi bastards!
First, hey Kylie! Welcome! Glad to see you here. I forgot all about who was on Facebook that I could invite. Make yourself at home, and no need to watch your language! :D
Seems that those scumbags at Neo need to come back to earth. The corporate pigs at Viacom have turned a fun, friendly site into something that not even scientologists could enjoy... at least not any more. Actually, I'm doubtful that it'll ever come back down, those money grubbing suckwads have their bloated heads so stuffed full of their own immersive advertising that they'll never have another rational thought ever again, not to mention their dicks stuffed permanently up each other's assholes in what I'm sure is a daisy chain worthy of the Guinness Book of Records. It seems that big buisiness has claimed yet another once free and enjoyable institution by burying it in a completely blind administration that cares nothing at all for its users. What was once run by human beings, adults who treated their users like fellow human beings, has been transformed into something that I doubt very much anyone can enjoy these days, even the retarded children which in about a year will comprise 98% of the site. Now run by advertising specialists and pediphiles, this site has become no less than a giant animated cluster fuck sponsored by McDonald's and Nickelodeon. I created my account as a place to memorialize my pet cats when they passed away, and even as a full grown adult I found it a place where I used to have fun but these ass rapists have sucked up and spit out every last shred of enjoyment it was capable of providing. And imagine this, I haven't even had my account frozen. Yet.
Ok, on to the main thrust of this particular rant. Brian, regarding YOUR frozen account. (The reason I'm on this soapbox today.) As far as your points go, go ahead and give them to Mike if he's still playing. Or split them with Mike and Jen. Kylie, I take it you quit too? Anyway I doubt very much that I'll be playing the game in the future. At least not such that I'll be needing the points back that I gave you. As long as my account stays alive, I'll just be stopping in occasionally to visit my dead cats. It's about as much fun as I can see coming from that site ever again. Go ahead and give all your stuff away, points, etc... but I'd like you to wait a little bit before fully quitting. If you're really going to quit, I'd ABSOLUTELY LOVE to write one last letter that I'll send you then you can send them. The "last hurrah" as it were. Something along the lines of The Best of Alan Shore. Believe me, I can do it. I just need a few days to crank out the right words. It'll be clean, of course, cause their filters will bounce anything not... but it'll be STRONG. Then send it, and wait two weeks. Still no response in two weeks, it's time to send them something absolutely scathing. Don't just commit suicide, go out with a Neo version of "suicide by cop". Let them freeze your second account as a result of being told to take a flying fuck at the moon. So, consider yourself "quit" as of when you give away your stuff, but don't shut down the account until we send this last "closing argument". If by some miracle your account comes back, I'll give you half my NP and we'll celebrate. Celebrate getting back all that effort you put in, not celebrate being able to have fun like before. If it doesn't work, at least we'll know that we went out in the style of the great orators we've come to so admire and respect and that we went "out" together. Brothers! It'll never be the same, but we have to do this because it's the right response to the unacceptable way you were treated. You put too much time and work into it to lose what you built without a "trial of the century" type bitch-slapping from someone capable of providing a slapping chock full of great vengeance and fuuuuurious anger!
Ok, so how's everyone today? At least it's almost the weekend! :D
Seems that those scumbags at Neo need to come back to earth. The corporate pigs at Viacom have turned a fun, friendly site into something that not even scientologists could enjoy... at least not any more. Actually, I'm doubtful that it'll ever come back down, those money grubbing suckwads have their bloated heads so stuffed full of their own immersive advertising that they'll never have another rational thought ever again, not to mention their dicks stuffed permanently up each other's assholes in what I'm sure is a daisy chain worthy of the Guinness Book of Records. It seems that big buisiness has claimed yet another once free and enjoyable institution by burying it in a completely blind administration that cares nothing at all for its users. What was once run by human beings, adults who treated their users like fellow human beings, has been transformed into something that I doubt very much anyone can enjoy these days, even the retarded children which in about a year will comprise 98% of the site. Now run by advertising specialists and pediphiles, this site has become no less than a giant animated cluster fuck sponsored by McDonald's and Nickelodeon. I created my account as a place to memorialize my pet cats when they passed away, and even as a full grown adult I found it a place where I used to have fun but these ass rapists have sucked up and spit out every last shred of enjoyment it was capable of providing. And imagine this, I haven't even had my account frozen. Yet.
Ok, on to the main thrust of this particular rant. Brian, regarding YOUR frozen account. (The reason I'm on this soapbox today.) As far as your points go, go ahead and give them to Mike if he's still playing. Or split them with Mike and Jen. Kylie, I take it you quit too? Anyway I doubt very much that I'll be playing the game in the future. At least not such that I'll be needing the points back that I gave you. As long as my account stays alive, I'll just be stopping in occasionally to visit my dead cats. It's about as much fun as I can see coming from that site ever again. Go ahead and give all your stuff away, points, etc... but I'd like you to wait a little bit before fully quitting. If you're really going to quit, I'd ABSOLUTELY LOVE to write one last letter that I'll send you then you can send them. The "last hurrah" as it were. Something along the lines of The Best of Alan Shore. Believe me, I can do it. I just need a few days to crank out the right words. It'll be clean, of course, cause their filters will bounce anything not... but it'll be STRONG. Then send it, and wait two weeks. Still no response in two weeks, it's time to send them something absolutely scathing. Don't just commit suicide, go out with a Neo version of "suicide by cop". Let them freeze your second account as a result of being told to take a flying fuck at the moon. So, consider yourself "quit" as of when you give away your stuff, but don't shut down the account until we send this last "closing argument". If by some miracle your account comes back, I'll give you half my NP and we'll celebrate. Celebrate getting back all that effort you put in, not celebrate being able to have fun like before. If it doesn't work, at least we'll know that we went out in the style of the great orators we've come to so admire and respect and that we went "out" together. Brothers! It'll never be the same, but we have to do this because it's the right response to the unacceptable way you were treated. You put too much time and work into it to lose what you built without a "trial of the century" type bitch-slapping from someone capable of providing a slapping chock full of great vengeance and fuuuuurious anger!
Ok, so how's everyone today? At least it's almost the weekend! :D
Monday, August 23, 2010
Let me off this fucking doomed planet!
Hey all, how's everyone? Not that anyone could truly be "OK" any more... considering. I'm choking on a little more rage than usual today. This first item I was going to mention yesterday but I never got to it. On Saturday, I went looking again for one of my favorite snacks of all time, Spap Oop. Ok, yeah it's Doo Dads but anyone who knows me knows I usually open snacks like this from the bottom, snacks with flavored dust. This is so the dust can re-settle back through and re-coat the pieces. Therefore, spap oop. When I got home I looked into it online and found that Nabisco, in their infinite wisdom, discontinued it almost (yikes) ten years ago. They must have had a lot of it stocked up cause I remember buying some last about 4 years ago. I just thought my store had stopped carrying it. I also found that there's somewhat of a cult following calling for it's return. There was a site where people were discussing how best to re-create it, and their solution sounds like it's worth trying. Unfortunately, it involves patronizing the vicious bastards who terminated the oop in the first place. You start with Nabisco's mixers, traditional style, pick out the Ritz crackers, and dump in some salted peanuts. I''l try this next weekend. If anybody tries it sooner, please let us know how it is!
The rest of the global obscenities which have me packing my interplanetary tote come from the news... and I guess I'll just mention them each briefly to avoid a mad rush for the rocket. I want to be sure I get my window seat.
Did you know that the courts in Saudi Arabia right now are considering whether or not to intentionally surgically paralyze a man as punishment for paralyzing another man during a fight a couple years ago? Yeah. Evidently the victim in that country can ask for a specific punishment, "eye for an eye" being one of them. I know we kill people here for murder, even some non murder crimes warrant the death penalty. I guess most of us have gotten used to the idea, as the threat of capital punnishment is sometimes a great deterrent to crime. The idea of putting someone on an operating table with the intention of severing his spinal cord exactly where his victim's spine was severed just seems a little... well, it's hard to come up with a good word for it. A little extreme. It smacks of our old buddy Joe Mengele. Something that we should have gotten past by now. I imagine that as a deterrent it might just turn some heads and make people think twice but really... this is 2010.
The next in line for today's rant is something that might not sit well with a lot of readers, but so what. It's about how fucking retarded the entire NASCAR world has become in recent years. Case in point is this past weekend's "win" by Kyle Busch. Seems that it's not only not wrong to intentionally wreck someone who's in your way, it's actually something to be rewarded. (The fact that he wasn't disqualified and allowed to keep the "win" as proof). Long story short, at one point Busch tried to pass Brad Keselowski and didn't quite have room to edge in front of him, didn't clear Brad's bumper, and failed in the pass attempt sending Bush back down the track. Mr. Bigshot thought that Brad bumped him intentionally when all he was doing was holding his position, his right. Later in the race Mr. Bigshot Kyle Busch intentionally spun Brad out by ramming him from behind. I'm indicting the entire NASCAR entity here because as I said, this is evidently "not a bad thing". Ok, the crowd booed him after the race, but I get the sense that it's something people these days want to see. How is it that people aren't completely ashamed at this unsportsmanlike behavior? Have we all forgotten the crash that killed these people's hero Dale Earnhardt? That crash was coming out of a turn, not at full straightaway speed, and looked to me at least like he would hop out of the car, wave and proceed to the track doctor to be checked out as "ok". Clearly even a seeminly mediocre crash can result in an unexpected fatality. And these idiots just wreck someone on purpose out of frustration. Bad enough they do it, but to not be sanctioned, to be allowed to keep a win based on it, just plain retarded.
Ok, I had some other crap that bugged me but I'll just sit on them for a while as this is getting a little long today. I'll just finish up by saying... Bring back the oop!
The rest of the global obscenities which have me packing my interplanetary tote come from the news... and I guess I'll just mention them each briefly to avoid a mad rush for the rocket. I want to be sure I get my window seat.
Did you know that the courts in Saudi Arabia right now are considering whether or not to intentionally surgically paralyze a man as punishment for paralyzing another man during a fight a couple years ago? Yeah. Evidently the victim in that country can ask for a specific punishment, "eye for an eye" being one of them. I know we kill people here for murder, even some non murder crimes warrant the death penalty. I guess most of us have gotten used to the idea, as the threat of capital punnishment is sometimes a great deterrent to crime. The idea of putting someone on an operating table with the intention of severing his spinal cord exactly where his victim's spine was severed just seems a little... well, it's hard to come up with a good word for it. A little extreme. It smacks of our old buddy Joe Mengele. Something that we should have gotten past by now. I imagine that as a deterrent it might just turn some heads and make people think twice but really... this is 2010.
The next in line for today's rant is something that might not sit well with a lot of readers, but so what. It's about how fucking retarded the entire NASCAR world has become in recent years. Case in point is this past weekend's "win" by Kyle Busch. Seems that it's not only not wrong to intentionally wreck someone who's in your way, it's actually something to be rewarded. (The fact that he wasn't disqualified and allowed to keep the "win" as proof). Long story short, at one point Busch tried to pass Brad Keselowski and didn't quite have room to edge in front of him, didn't clear Brad's bumper, and failed in the pass attempt sending Bush back down the track. Mr. Bigshot thought that Brad bumped him intentionally when all he was doing was holding his position, his right. Later in the race Mr. Bigshot Kyle Busch intentionally spun Brad out by ramming him from behind. I'm indicting the entire NASCAR entity here because as I said, this is evidently "not a bad thing". Ok, the crowd booed him after the race, but I get the sense that it's something people these days want to see. How is it that people aren't completely ashamed at this unsportsmanlike behavior? Have we all forgotten the crash that killed these people's hero Dale Earnhardt? That crash was coming out of a turn, not at full straightaway speed, and looked to me at least like he would hop out of the car, wave and proceed to the track doctor to be checked out as "ok". Clearly even a seeminly mediocre crash can result in an unexpected fatality. And these idiots just wreck someone on purpose out of frustration. Bad enough they do it, but to not be sanctioned, to be allowed to keep a win based on it, just plain retarded.
Ok, I had some other crap that bugged me but I'll just sit on them for a while as this is getting a little long today. I'll just finish up by saying... Bring back the oop!
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