Saturday, November 6, 2010

Brian's New Tattoo

Nice!  But you were wrong about me not posting it.  Get on your blog!  Tell Mike to get going on his too.


  1. Hey, I guess that makes me the winner, right? What do I win, Brian??? ;-)

  2. ok, that's cool. Brian buys a motorcycle and gets a dragon tattoo. When is he gonna get an "old lady" and start shooting pool at the local dive bar?
    Ok, here's my rant for the day. This chick was raped by a Mormon pscyho and she now does missionary work... FOR THE MORMON CHURCH! WTF???
    If it was me I would get as far away from that church and it's bizarro followers as I could. Jesus hangin out with Native Americans indeed!

  3. Hey! Rant on your own blog! Oh yeah, you can't. It's ok, don't feel bad, lots of kids rode the short bus. Anyway I think Brian's next move is one of two ways... either a serious NASCAR addiction or finding his personal savior in Jesus Christ.

  4. Hey Jen, we were hoping that you hadn't gotten the same tattoo, that would have been awkward at parties. You win 10,000 Abyssbucks. As for right now, there's nothing to spend them on. If I had photoshop I'd design up a few kinds of coins that could be put in our blogs. Except Mike of course, he rode the short bus, and Kylie cause I guess she doesn't do the computer much anymore. So for now, you're the richest. Congrats!

  5. Jen, I will figure out a winning prize for you!

    In the meantime onto the next challenge. This goes along with the questions above for "What's next for Brian?". All serious entries will be considered but that does not mean we can not have fun with this. Submit at least two serious entries and two fun entries. Keep in mind, Brian is not trying be weird; Brian is trying to LIVE LIFE and do cool things.

    Let me get a fun one out of the way; Brian to start attending AA meetings.

    Good entries from the Captain and Mike above however; I have already done the pool thing (though brief and poor), and I have no intention of going the way of the church. The closest thing I am going to get to an "old lady" is the spinning bitch here in the lower left hand corner.

    Let the insanity begin!

  6. I'm still lurking... but I seem to only comment on older posts..

    Brian - ever tried a Marathon?

  7. Hey K, A marathon is a great goal, but I am very fat. Indeed weight is on my immediate agenda. Through a collaboration of people we have set the goal fairly aggressive. The goal is for me to loose 111 pounds in one year; weigh in to take place 11/11/11. Current starting point 368.8 lbs. Official goal; 257.6. This is aggressive but not unreasonable, nor unhealthy. 10 pounds a month.

  8. Good luck with your goal.. I'm trying to do 6 pounds a month with a friend but I'm sure we'll be able to do 10 pounds if we aren't silly about it. My biggest battle will be cutting down on my beer!! Let us know how you go!

  9. Ooooh... yeah, cutting down on beer could be a deal breaker. I prefer the marathon approach but hey, to each his own. Bri can be my designated driver and I will challenge him to many a sled race. You in? I think this can work. 11/11/11
