Saturday, October 16, 2010

Ahhh, the future...

I smoked my first transparent joint tonight.  I keep telling myself that there will still be the occasional reason to live that pops up from time to time, and here's one.  Now if they could make these skins glow under a blacklight they'd really have something.  I totally felt like I had been cryogenically frozen and reawoken at some point in the future while smoking this.  Well, maybe it wasn't entirely the wrap.  I guess this fucked up retarded society isn't absolutely completely useless after all.  Woohoo!  Ok so I got some partying out of the way today so maybe I can put some time into my artwork this weekend as I'm on somewhat of a roll.  I'd like to request at least 2 days of solid rain, complete with furious thunder and lightning around the clock.  Yeah.  I can work to that. 


  1. Those are so cool! Never seen transparent joint papers before. Are they plastic? Do they taste wierd? Just curious.
    Glad to hear that you are selling some of your art. You do some beautiful stuff. If I had money to spend on that sort of thing, I might even buy some myself.
    Thunder & lightning sounds good. I LOVE a good thunderstorm. The last thunderstorm I saw was about six years ago & it was absolutely incredible. The lightning was multicolored & coming from all different directions. Never seen anything like it.

  2. Very cool. What took them so long? Oh yeah, they're stoners! lol!
    I was just thinking about a new poll. "What is the greatest invention in the last 100 years?" I guess we know what your vote would be... :)
    Good luck with the weather. Rain in florida should not be a problem!

  3. man made and clear
    toxic? poison ? try eating the wrap and see if you get off on that

  4. No funny taste, and as far as chemicals go I believe that worst case they're still not as bad as spending an hour in the Lincoln Tunnel at rush hour taking some preppie Manhattan dweeb back to his house, fat & psychopathic wife and 2.3 kids in New Jersey. That cabbie job in college probably took more years off my life than smoking herb or all the newfangled papers that have come along. Hmmm... remembering back... dollar bill papers, papers with wires in them for self-roach clipping, flavored papers like banana strawberry and chocolate, papers with a pouch already formed, any other cool papers I'm forgetting?

  5. the giant paper in the big bambu album
