Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Wouldn't it be nice...

I guess in Sweden, a little creativity goes a long way.  This is the Pionen Data Center in Stockholm, a data storage facility built in an old fallout shelter.  They decided to make it an enjoyable place to work, and it looks like they did a pretty good job.  I suppose they had to do something to mitigate the depressing aspects of an underground shelter with the occasional rock walls and no windows, and they really set an example the rest of the world would do well to follow. 

This round conference room has a view of their servers and the floor is painted like the moon.  I think "work" might be a lot less like "work" if we could enjoy a setting like this, or any number of different themes, but any change from they typical white walls and white flourescent lights would be something to be happy about. 

See more of the Pionen Data Center here

I suppose it wouldn't totally cure how much work can suck, for example I still can't seem to get a simple work order put through to me that I don't have to take back and ask for clarification, but constant chaos makes it even worse.  A nice relaxing work area would go quite a way in making the day more enjoyable and less stressful.  I'd love to see creativity and a little fantasy used more liberally in public places.  Would it be so bad if you could shop in a supermarket that looked like this?  I'd shop there.  I used to have colored landscape lights strung around my living room with the lights shining up on the walls much like this place, but they were old and after several years they went defunct and I haven't replaced them yet.  I still keep it dark though and indirectly lit with blacklights, candles, and a lava lamp of course.  When and if the economy recovers and I'm able to afford it, I plan to set up a new set of landscape lights and some more plastic trees and ferns.  I don't think I'll do the smoke machine though, I'd never see the cats.  Just a couple tails cruising around like submarine periscopes.  Ha!


  1. Thats awesome! I can just see walmart with the whole jungle theme. That would totally rock! Somehow, I don't think the suits in Arkansas would go for it, though.

  2. Nice that a company allows some artistic freedom. Like you said, it is necessary considering where they are. I would need a tank with an octopus in it.

  3. Hey! Sorry I haven't been updating every day. Nice to see people still coming by. Thanks! Jen, I see WalMart as more the "Moltara" look. With real lava too so we could shove the Walmartians in. Brian, an octopus would be nice, and you could make it do tricks like unscrewing the lid of a jar to get a treat, but have you ever seen those cuttlefish that can change patterns? They're amazing... they can change not only colors but flashing patterns like a light show at a Pink Floyd concert. Maybe I'll make that my next post if I can find some cool video.

  4. Sorry to hear you're still having to use the old clunker Chuck. I still look forward to your postings so don't get too discouraged..
    PS. I'd love to work in that bunker. It looks fantastic. I used to have to wear a hat/visor when I was working in the Comms centre. 12hours of Flourescent lighting can take it's toll.
    Your lighting at your place sounds awesome. I like my lighting not too dark not too light myself.. Most of the time I go for Xmas type lights as they're cheap and easy to hang around. Can't wait to get my next place and play around with some different lighting.
