Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Dinner and a show...

Ok, I guess they're too cool for us to eat, but I imagine that any other sea creature that eats one gets a nice light show and possibly a monstrous mutation beforehand.  If I had an office to decorate and enough money so that it wouldn't put me out to spend about 20k on a wall sized aquarium, I'd fill it with these guys.  The following link is a page with several short videos showing the amazing effects that the cuttlefish are capable of.

NOVA videos of amazing cuttlefish

This would be small but acceptable, but two or three times the size would be more like it.  Also the lighting would need tweaking, as well as the addition of a a few palms on either side and maybe ferns of assorted texture.  Then a coffee table and a nice leather couch facing it, a mini fridge built into the coffee table, a couple lava lamps, blacklights, and a fine glass hookah and I'm ready for work.  Anybody wanna come work for me?  Hah!  I can tell you that there would be no need to yearn for the weekend.  Which it almost is, by the way! 

Hey Kylie, nice to see you!  How's everything?  I'm hoping the recent troubles have worked themselves out and life is getting back to something resembling normal.  You had a visor for the flourescent lights?  Sounds extreme but probably worked, I never thought of that.  I usually wear a ball cap so I'm pretty much visored at all times anyway.  I bet without it I'd be annoyed by the constant bright lights.  As for the Xmas lights, I've been doing that too since the landscape lights died, I have a couple strings of blue and green I light up on the weekends.  Normal lights suck, don't they? 

Alright, no recent news worth ranting about except that dumbass Lindsay Lohan making a mockery of drug and alcohol use, and Old Rose from Titanic died over the weekend at age 100.  I'm hoping this time she managed to die without first throwing away a zillion dollar gemstone.  The odds are pretty solid.  :D


  1. If you ever get an office like that, let me know. I would love to come work for you. Bet you'd pay better than Walmart, too. :D

  2. Super cool fish. I wonder if they are obtainable and what kind of diet they require.

  3. Jen, the pay would be WAY better than Wally World, and I'd institute a "reverse" work day, instead of stopping work in the middle of the day for a lunch break, there would be an hour in the middle of the day where we stop what we're doing to get some work done.

    Brian, a saltwater tank is tough to maintain, but way nicer to look at than a freshwater one. Since these cuttlefish only get to be about as big as a burrito, I don't see why they wouldn't work in a nice sized home tank. I bet they would happily munch on live shrimp and basic bait type fish. From the videos they seem very tactile and would probably take food right from your fingers.

  4. You'll never afford it! Denied...
    Oh yeah,
    Tony Curtis died like yesterday. I want to watch "Some Like it Hot" in memorium. Later
