Friday, October 1, 2010

Hey, who farted?

Ok obviously not much going on, a nice quiet Friday night.  I just finished a pretty big painting tonight so I'm kind of celebrating.  Yeah, it's not really big but 26" X 41" is a little above average for me.  I started it a couple years ago and the closet ate it for a while then I dragged it back out a few days ago and decided it needed to be finished off.  I tried to take a picture but I guess I need to do that in daylight, the flash tends to ruin it.  I'll get a better shot tomorrow outside and post it.  I just got this loaner comp to accept my printer which has the port for my camera flash card so now I can upload from my camera.  I still need my old files etc and a decent comp to set up a nice web page of all my art though.  I'm trying a bunch of different styles these days, this new painting isn't one of the new ones but it looks pretty cool.  Some day I hope to stumble across a style that works and people really go for it and I become rich enough to say "Fuck You" to the dumbasses and be able to retreat into a house in the middle of 500 acres of woods, swamps and hills with moats and machine gun nests and electrified fences and razor wire.

On a lighter, less self-centered side of the near future, the good news is that the space program might actually be something to look forward to after all...  Obama is putting a bill through that looks like it's going to pass, one that insures that we not only get at least one more shuttle flight beyond the proposed last one next February, but that we immediately begin work on the next heavy lift-off rocket to further the exploration of space, and it makes significant reference to "beyond low Earth orbit" capabilities.  That means the moon, among other things.  In my opinion we should probably already have a small outpost on the moon if for no other reason than to shut down those "we never went to the moon" people.  Anyway, it seems like a logical place to conduct the first experiments for how we're going to handle going to places like Mars and the exotic vacation planet Risa.  Here's the bill, click the link.  I found titles II and III the most interesting.

Library of Congress search
Type in  S. 3729 in the search, that brings you to the bill.  Then look at "Text of legislation" and look at the most recent item, it was up to 3 today.  After that you can read the whole bill but II and III were best as I said.  I tried to link the text page but it times out after 30 minutes.  Maybe it works anyway if you go straight to it.  Try this link first.  Try this, text of legislation bill S. 3729

Last but definitely not least, there's this...  In Zelda Twilight Princess...

What you're seeing is four bottles of purple juice, the fairy tears.  That means I got one from Jovani, and did the Cave of Ordeals three times for three more fills of the juice.  (The only way to get multiple bottles of it.)  The Cave of Ordeals gets harder each time so this is kind of something to lust after.  Who's your daddy.

Well, it took a while to get a halfway decent shot, and it still looks kinda washed out but it's close enough.  I think to get a good picture I have to have just the right light. I think clicking it gives you the full size and it might look better and more detailed there.  I don't think even full size it shows the highlights in the dolphins' eyes and a lot of other details.  Whatever, hopefully I can trade it for some money.


  1. 500 acres cool!!! I wanna come with. Just 1 acre up the back somewhere :)

    As for space exploration did you hear about Gilese 581 g? Sounds promising...

    I'm STILL doing Zelda, only because I'm finding less time to have fun these days. But I am up to the last part. (the castle). Just wondering if I should try and do all the little side missions before I finish this or will I be allowed to still wander around after I've kicked butt in the final round....

  2. Hey Bro. Looking forward to seeing the painting.

    As for the moon; they have been shooting test probes into the moon for the last three years or so with the express purpose of finding water. Water is the key to any sustanable base on the moon. Like you say, the moon is a logical platform from which to launch further trips; the first of which being a maned mission to Mars.

    Also, congrats on the faerie tears. Sooner or later I will get back into the game; more than likely in the winter if there is no good snow-shoeing this year.

  3. Still doing Zelda? That implies that there might come a time when you're NOT doing Zelda. Unacceptable! I'm hoping a new one is coming soon. As for the side games and events, yeah you can do them after you beat Ganon, but you might want to consider taking the time to do at least the ones that give you heart pieces. More hearts is more life and that comes in handy. Also, if you collect all the poes you'll get unlimited rupees, and I like to get all three bomb bags and double their capacity. The first bag you buy of course, the second you get from Iza when you help unblock the river, and the third is in the big hot rock you use to thaw out Zora's domain. (Blow it open with a water bomb). Then double their capacity by scoring 25 or more in the river rapids shooting course. Brian, you did that when you were here last time, remember? Not that difficult. Having 180 bombs is Da Bomb. :D

    I did read about Gilese 581 g, and it sounds cool although the first article I read pissed me off. The headline caught me and got me all excited, it said something like "Habitable planet found" or something. Then I read that they don't even know if it has a solid surface, much less if it has water or any other elements for life. Still to find planets in what they call the "Goldilocks" zone (just right) so close to us and in the early stages of our searching is good news.

    The moon would make for a nice space station, it definitely has the water we need although for fuel it may not be right, I was reading about Ion propulsion last night and I don't think water contributes much to that process. Ion seems to be the next best propulsion system so let's hope we can find the elements we need for that out there somewhere.

  4. The only solution to the news is to stop watching the news.

    By the way - motorcycle riding is awesome!!!
