Friday, August 27, 2010

Let's remember why we do it all in the first place...

That's right, to save Zelda.  Nothing much interesting in the news today, except that the cat in the trash lady "apologized".  Yeah.  I didn't even read the article cause it just doesn't matter.  Right after they found her, she said it was a joke.  Funny, that didn't sound much like an apology then, so why should anyone listen now, 3 days later? 

Ok, I'm gonna go see what can be done about this here Friday night.  What's everyone else up to this weekend?  Anything cool in the works out there?  Since today's post is so short, here's a completely gratuitous picture of a chicken's ass.  Enjoy. 


  1. Nice ass!

    Hope everyone is having a good weekend so far. I'll be at a BBQ tonight and it might get a wee bit messy. Can't wait!

  2. never got into video games but hey if you say so i will back you up, and thanks for the ass shot, how do you think that chickens father feels about this?
