Saturday, September 18, 2010

So much for "Go with God..."

Maybe it's just me, but if I were God and needed to call my faithful followers to my side I might just be considerate enough to take them in their sleep.  I mean, isn't God supposed to PROTECT you from horrible things like this crash?  A church van blew a tire and flipped on the New York State Thruway.  Read here... Church bus crash  I sure hope it didn't have a "Jesus is my co-pilot" bumper sticker.  Oh well, maybe some day the uber religious will realize that random is the word of the day when it comes to life.  Bad things happen to good people, even righteous church going folk, and bad people sometimes live their whole lives without ever being punished, live good lives and die peacefully.  It's the way the world works.  God, if he exists at all, doesn't intervene.  Obviously.

And on the subject of crashing, something that's just plain STUPID...

 Every time I see one of these "smart" cars I think how I'll never get into one.  I know it sports an inner framework capable of handling quite an impact, but still there's no denying the odds that it will be crushed like a bug, as in the picture, flattened in a sandwich style front and rear accident, or go rolling off into the distance like a bowling ball, shattering every bone of its occupants as it does so.  Here's a video that shows both its strengths and weaknesses.  In my opinion the weaknesses are just too scary.  Not to mention just riding in the damn thing.  I wonder if there was a reason they didn't put crash test dummies in it?  Smart car crash test



  1. Yeah, I don't think I'll ever get into one of those cars either. Sure, the framework stays mostly intact, but anyone in the car would most certainly have their legs crushed in any kind of impact. I think I can skip that, thanks.
    So how is everyone, anyway? I've been a little busy with family stuff, so haven't had time to get on the computer much.

  2. HEY JEN!!!!

    Ya, I would have lost both of my legs and most of my intestines in that crash. That video (thanks bro) has given me serious thoughts about my Honda Fit. Economical as it is, it just may not be worth losing my legs in an accident. I think I am going to start driving my '74 Lincoln Continental as my primary vehicle; 10 miles per gallon be damned.

  3. Hi ya'll!
    Yeah, great idea, Brian. That way if you run into a compact car you will surely destroy them! Let's all hope that whatever car we are in, if we get in an accident, you have your seatbelts on. P.S. I would much rather be in a modern car with crumple zones and airbags than in a rigid steel monster like your lincoln... just sayin'! :)
